We inspire people to think beyond sustainability

We spent decades making sustainable energy a household word. Now, it’s time to do more with what we already have. Broader reach, more impact. We are deepening our commitment to improve, not just sustain, our communities and our lives. Taking money off of Wall Street to put on Main Street. Revitalizing communities using energy as leverage.

What type of world do you want to leave to our kids? Our territory includes twenty-three counties in Pennsylvania. If you have a project that could change your community, we would like to talk to you.

About Us

Numbers That Count

250 projects completed

Number of projects since the year 2000

Financed Living Building Challenge

Financed Living Building Challenge designed restaurant built by the private sector – RE Farm Cafe

35 million invested

Dollars invested in our communities

300 years combined experience

Years of combined leadership experience

Passive House EnerPHit Plus Office Building in North America

Passive House EnerPHit Plus Office Building in North America – Six&Kane

Years investing in great projects

Inspiring others to think beyond sustainability — Priceless!

Mission & Vision

Mission: As a nonprofit organization that was founded to promote the deployment of sustainable energy technologies that benefit West Penn Power ratepayers in Pennsylvania, our financing programs are focused on:


Deployment of renewable and clean energy power production


Innovative energy efficiency and conservation technologies


Education, economic development and environmental betterment

Vision: To inspire a belief that advanced energy technologies can improve our lives.


FundingWe Connect People to Great Projects

We are seeking transformational projects that will support the deployment of sustainable energy technologies in a manner that will improve the economic and environmental health of communities within the West Penn service region.

We have two primary project financing offerings:


We provide conventional financing in the form of a mission aligned project loan. WPEF interest rates and fees are competitive with commercial lending.


We also provide limited grant-making through a process with the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) in the fall. You do not have to wait for the RFP, the WPEF is constantly seeking mission aligned projects.

Get Funding

What We Do They say that a picture is worth a thousand words

Moving beyond sustainability. Who’s with us?

Project Gallery burst
Moving beyond sustainability

Why Choose Us?

Don’t take our word for it — Listen to what our project partners have to say about us!

The West Penn Energy Fund was previously named the West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund. These videos reflect the previous name. New name, same mission, more impact.

Tech Corner

We have worked with some of the most innovative, creative and noteworthy partners to help to solve the challenges that we face in saving energy today. We would like to share their innovations with you.

Energy and Healthcare

Energy and Healthcare



Induction Cooking

Induction Cooking

Forward Dining Solutions


tech corner